Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tough Mudder 2014: The Unfattening of The Chesterfield: Ecks Versus Sever

Tough Mudder. Its coming up in May and I'm a bit terrified because that's like four months away and I just had my second iced pumpkin muffin of the day. It's basically the same as the Warrior dash, just thrice as long; maybe fourice (yes, I just made up that word. I checked and there is officialy nothing after thrice. [except Dustin Kensrue solo albums, HI-YO!]) Anyhow, suffice it to say, I am once again (still?) out of shape and in desperate need of a kick in the pants to keep me going. This is more than just a kick in the pants. This is this guy.
Also, there is a section where they shock you with electricity, so I got that going for me.