Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Devin Fletcher, Vespa Jew.

So it’s been a couple of weeks. My knees are healed up, but I have new injury, my ribs. I accidentally injured them at the Harry Potter opening night extravaganza. I got into a fistfight with a dude dressed as Victor Krum after a disputed round of wizard chess*. He socked me in the ribs and they’ve been hurting ever since. That’s all I remember from it, but it’s the last time I drink butterbeer. I mean it this time.

Anyhow, this has really limited my running because it hurts when I sleep, or lie down or run. I am beginning to think that the odds are stacked against me.

Thanksgiving didn’t help because the lovely Amanda Porter made the best turkey I have ever eaten. Normally, I have an obligatory slice and move on to the potatoes, but I went back for about six slices.

Needless to say, I am disheartened. I feel like I should officially give up on this run, but I am not going to do that. Even if I have to walk the entire way, I am finishing this race.

Maybe I'll just ride one of these.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, haters. I sincerely doubt that I have any haters, at least haters that read this blog.

So it comes down to this. I am finishing this race or getting a vespa and converting to Judaism.**

*may not be true
**definitely true

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cast off the crutches and walk!

Brothers and Sisters! I have been healed! Last night, I was visited by a wonderful force and I have recovered! Who could do such a thing?


nope. (wait. why was there an official patch adams soundtrack?)

Sadly, no.

No, I was healed by a force known as sleep and rest. Maybe praying too. But the sleep, boy, let me tell you about the sleep! As you know, I have been in quite a bit of pain for the past week or so. I haven't been able to run at all and I have hardly been able to train in any way. Well, the rest has paid off because last night I was able to run and walk half a mile, including a few sections of wind-sprints. Then I jump-roped until my back started hurting. You see I have a touch of the arthritis and am officially old.
Margie, I gotta go, my stories are on.

Tonight, I was able to run a mile with a little cool-down walk at the end. My knee is actually a little tender still, which is why I didn't go longer, but still, that is markedly improved since a week ago, when I could hardly walk. Prefontaine, here I come.

Laura will tell you I have this mildly hare-brained theory that all diseases can be cured by sleeping and drinking copious amounts of water. Constipation, water. Crotch rot, sleep. Hysterical Pregnancy, water and sleep. She mocks me for it, but she is just jealous because she only gets five hours a night and can't make a boom-boom.

Finally, a word of advice. When searching for a picture of "Hello Nurse" from Animaniacs, don't type in 'sexy nurse'. Just go with hello nurse. Thought you should know.

Love and Smooches, your comrade in legs,
Devin Fletcher

Sunday, November 7, 2010

See My Vest

So Laura is out running even as we speak and I am sitting here blarging and watching beauty and the beast

aside: I found out recently that Jerry Orbach, the guy who played Lenny of Law and Order played Lumiere on B and the B.

What the eff?

Here is him doing Be our Guest on the 1992 Oscars.

or if you prefer

(end aside)

So anyway, Laura got back and had run four miles. That makes twelve miles for the week. I have walked five, maybe six. I can't tell you how frustrated I am by this knee. What am I supposed to do? I feel like I can't train because I would rather have the knee heal than risk blowing it out entirely,

Sympathy Pains in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1

but I don't want to undertrain and hate myself on race day. The biggest concern is that Laura will leave me in the dust. So I submit to you, internetland, that I will give it one more day and really test out my knee. Then I will ease back into training and just go with my theory that I have more endurance than Laura anyway, so really, she is just catching up to me right now.

Love and kisses,
Devin Fletcher

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Ghost of Kendrick Perkins Past.

So we all remember the worst day of 2010:

These twenty-two seconds have haunted me for months, and now the haunting's come back for round two.

For you see, I hurt my knee. Laura and I have been training the last week together. Last time we ran, I felt like I had to stop after two miles, which was true because I woke up the next morning in a lot of pain and haven't been able to run since. This isn't muscle soreness, but actual pain. I am worried that this will hinder my training a bit.

Here is what I want to be:

And here is what I feel like:

"Why today? It's Christmas Day!"

Back to the knee. I was limping around and I was visited by Jacob Marley. Wait, no. I am going to continue with this NBA theme, I was visited by Dan Majerle and he told me that if I kept with my miserly (read: fatty) ways I would lose my soul (read: joints) to hell (read: osteoperosis). Maybe it was a ghostly visitation. Or maybe it was one of Scrooge's fragments of underdone potato (read: hershey bar).